Faraway Cove — Cavalli Coast

Far away in New Zealand’s Cavalli Coast, an enchanted cove lies beneath a canopy of ancient pohutakawa trees. With panoramic views of its own private beaches, the cabin at Faraway Cove is one of the the Far North’s most hidden retreats — farawaycove.co.nz

Expedition Earth duo, Bridget & Topher, had been traversing the globe in their jeep named Gunther. That is until Covid-19 struck (while camping with nomadic reindeer herders in Russia) and called them back home to New Zealand.

Here they created this tiny home which they now share with the world. We were honoured to deliver Devon outdoor dining furniture to this pocket-sized paradise! Our Blake Dining Chairs and Couper Dining Table provide the perfect space to savour the panoramic views.